As Missouri, and the majority of states in the US, issue a shelter in place warning, many events, including weddings, have been canceled or postponed. If you’ve decided to postpone your wedding, or are wondering what that would look like, read on.
Postponing vs Canceling
As a wedding venue manager, we highly recommend postponing rather than canceling. More often than not, deposits that you’ve paid to wedding vendors can be moved throughout the year, but they can’t be returned if you cancel. Make sure to look thoroughly at your vendors’ contracts. Since the effects of coronavirus are so unpredictable, vendors may be willing to work with you.
Talk To Your Vendors & Wedding Venue
Tell them your goal is to still keep your entire vendor team together, and just shift the date. Then discuss through with them what options you may have for doing so. Similarly, you should contact the venue to discuss what, if any, financial ramifications you may have with changing the date and get a list of available dates in the time frame that you would like to reschedule the wedding for.
Let Your Guests Know ASAP
The sooner you can let your guests know, the better. Even if it’s simply updating your wedding website, Facebook group, sending out emails, etc., until you can get new stationery created and sent out.
Unfortunately, if you have already sent invitations we suggest you send a new one with the new date, details and RSVP information for guests 8 weeks prior to the new date. The price for a re-print won’t be the same cost as the initial invitation suite was, and can also be much simpler if needed. If finances preclude you from being able to resend invitations then I think in this extenuating circumstance sending a paperless post invitation and adding RSVP to your wedding website is acceptable.
Realize Your Feelings Are Valid
Dismantling a wedding you’ve worked so hard to plan is no joke. No matter what you choose to do, it’s likely an emotional time. Whether you’re feeling angry, confused, disappointed, or terribly sad, give yourself some space to process your emotions. No one could have anticipated a viral infection like coronavirus affecting your wedding and causing it to be postponed. So, if no one has told you yet, it’s okay to feel the way that you’re feeling about postponing your wedding.
A silver lining: allow yourselves to celebrate the intended wedding date! Although you may feel a bit sad on that date that you aren’t getting married, you can still make it a special day for you and your fiancé.
Contact our wedding venue in Joplin MO for more tips regarding postponing your wedding due to COVID-19!